Some of my open source projects (see my Github profile for complete list):
- machinery - an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing
- go-oauth2-server - OAuth2 server written in Golang
- example-api - a base API project to bootstrap and prototype quickly
- coreos-cluster - an example of how to provision a CoreOS cluster on AWS using Terraform and ansible-vault
- amazonetes - opinionated deployment of Kubernetes on CoreOS EC2 instances using Terraform
- go-fixtures - Django style fixtures for Golang's excellent built-in database/sql library
- go-mailchimp - Golang SDK for Mailchimp API v3
- logging - Golang package for leveled logs with coloured formatting
- jsonhal - Golang package to implement HAL compatible JSON responses
- go-slack - Simple Golang SDK for Slack
Some interesting projects I worked on professionally as part of my career:
- Area - a transparent, real-time and frustration free real estate app
- Government PaaS for GDS based on Tsuru
- A data replication tool for two Netezza appliances in different regions (UK, US) for Sony PlayStation
- ISSA - Sainsbury's new in-store shopping app
- Hailo - an Uber competitor from London
- Yoyo Wallet - a mobile payment and loyalty app
- HTC Watch